Wednesday, September 26, 2012

more book reviews?

Allen has proposed another book review series after I finish with Created to Be His Help Meet. He already has a book in mind, but I was wondering if any of y'all had book you'd like to see covered? If you do just leave me a comment, and I'll see about it :)

Speaking of reviews, I'll try to get another Debi Pearl installment up in the next 48hrs.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a comment you made on another blog - I think it was "To Love Honor and Vacuum." I'm really enjoying your review of Help Meet. It takes discernment to honestly comment on the good and the bad things in the book, and I think you have given a fair assessment on what you've read. I didn't finish the book - just couldn't and since I wasn't committed to reviewing it, I was free to do that. :-) I definitely look forward to reading any other reviews you write in the future.
